Large swelling above clavicle

In relation to all the other post about the swelling at the base of the neck by the collar bone. I just went to the doctors today and he told me that it is problems
Left Clavicle Swelling Clavicle Fracture (Broken Collarbone) Anatomy Large lumpe under clavicle, left of.
Large swelling above clavicle
Large swelling above clavicle
Lymphoma Forum - Swollen Nodes: Left.22.06.2007 · Primary tumours and tumorous lesions of the clavicle are very rare, and little literature is available regarding their characteristics and outcome.
Swollen Nodes: Left Armpit And Above Left Clavicle . Recently I discovered two enlarged nodes in my left armpit (or at least what I think to be nodes. Do lymph nodes
Large Lump On My Neck Above My Collar Bone . Due to being a busy mother of two and ignoring myself for many years I have not seen a doctor in many years. I have had
Both sides of neck swelling above.
Anatomy of Clavicle Bone | Bone and Spine
Anatomy of Clavicle Bone in brief Clavicle of right side viewed from below (left image) and from above(right image)
Lymphoma Forum - Large Lump On My Neck.

This 17 year young female having a large swelling over right side neck for 4 months.She has History of chronic cough, low grade fever and weight loss of 5
About two months ago I was drying myself off in the bathroom when I noticed a disfigured bump under my collar bone. I addressed it to my mom, and she said she'd make
Swollen Clavicle Area
Swelling above Clavicle Large Abscess Neck Of A Young Female.
175 Cambridge Street Boston, MA 02114 617-726-7500 Clavicle Fracture (Broken Collarbone) A broken collarbone is also known as a clavicle