Tumblr how do i show ask or submit on my blog

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Tumblr how do i show ask or submit on my blog
Tumblr how do i show ask or submit on my blog
PC Made Easy's Blog PC Made Easy's BlogFan Mail. What is Fan Mail? How do I send Fan Mail? Is there a limit to how many messages I can send? Can I disable Fan Mail? Ask. What is the Ask feature?
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19.06.2010 · so this is my blog http://www.letstakeajourney.tumblr.com ★ i want to add a page onto my tumblr (you know where there's home, ask and submit) so yeah can
Hey! I don't know if this is anywhere on your page, bur i got a question i was hoping you could help me with! So, on my blog, i have some different pages with various
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maf baby you're breaking my heart with this seangar thing ohmygod but it's still so exciting How to add the 'Ask' page on Tumblr. .